nadra · parenthood · pregnancy

Switching is the hardest thing to do

We started to wean Nadra off breastmilk when she turned 16 months. Partly because we wanted her to get use to the taste of formula before starting daycare since the center can only allow formula or fresh milk (exception only for infant care). The main reason behind that was, I was not producing enough. My… Continue reading Switching is the hardest thing to do

nadra · parenthood

All for a cookie

Nadra loves to snack, be it biscuits, granola, puffs or crackers. Especially during the journey back home after fetching her from school. She would unzip her bag and ransacked for her snack container and snacked away. Yesterday, her snack container was empty. She proceeded to unzip my bag and asked for “alala” (granola in her… Continue reading All for a cookie

celebration · events · family · nadra · parenthood · pregnancy

Mother’s special day

Mother's day this year was special and different. Having a little kid who loves new activities, involving her in mini projects is so much fun! Ok well, besides getting her hand dirty. We just realized that she disliked getting her hand dirtied. She squirmed when I dipped her hand in watercolor paint and asked to… Continue reading Mother’s special day

nadra · parenthood

A new routine

It has been 2 weeks ever since Nadra started daycare. For the first 3 days, we were allowed to accompany her throughout the day but we stayed till11am, latest. We were quite surprised that she did not cry and were able to adapt to her surrounding rather quickly. Her teacher constantly updated us by sending… Continue reading A new routine